Windows Installation
Install Java Development Kit
1. Go to JDK 8 - Downloads 2. Accept the User License Agreement 3. Download the Windows x64 installer (e.g. jdk-8u45-windows-x64.exe) 4. Run the JDK setup executable that you downloaded and choose a convenient install directory.
Set up JAVA_HOME Variable
1. Go to My Computer 2. Open "System Properties" > Click on "Advanced" > Click "Environment Variables" 3. Click "New" under System Variables. 4. Enter in: Variable name: JAVA_HOME Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45*** ***Except, enter in the location of your locally installed JRE
Install LibreOffice
1. Download LibreOffice 4.3 for windows installer LibreOffice 4.3 2. Run LibreOffice_4.3.7_Win_x86.msi and follow steps through Installation.
Install Entermedia
1. Download EnterMedia Windows Installer EnterMedia Windows Installer 2. Run entermediadb-8.19.exe and step through Installation. 3. Check the "Open Entermedia Application" checkbox and click Finish button (or open up a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/) 4. Click EMShare application and login with "admin/admin"