Assets and Data Export/Import
In the EnterMedia's Database Tool (Settings | Database) you can Export and Import Assets or any Data to your DAM.
To Export a CSV formated data file, click in the Export button in the Database Table you required.
Database tool support different formats to Import Data, most common used is CSV (The same format used in the Export option). Clicking the Import btn, then select the ImportCsvFile.groovy Script in the dropdown.
Field order in the CSV is not mandatory. Keep field ids (header row) name conventions. "id" field it is always required in order to match the imported record.
You can Import only the fields and rows you want to update in the table, always including the "id" field of the records. Any row with a new id value will be added as new record in the table.
List fields needs to match "id" from the table the value is referenced. Multi value fields like keywords should be separated by "|".