Collaboration Folders

How to use collaboration folders - Make a folder

  1. To start working together with someone or a team, click on upload to and select collaboration folders.
  2. In the new screen that opens you can Add a new collaboration folder.

  1. Give your folder a name and hit the save button. You will move on to the screen where you can add files.
  2. In the next screen click the upload button

After that you can add files or a folder and add file details with tags. If you back you will see your collaboration folder in the main viewer.


How to use collaboration folders - how to add members to your team

  1. To add members to your collaboration folder, go to your collaboration folder and hit the share button on the top right
  2. Copy and paste the share link to anyone that you would want to work with you in your folder.
  3. If you back to your overview of collaboration folders you will now see a name of the people you added as users.



User Guide: How to use collaboration folders - how to add a single asset

  1. You can add pictures to your folders easily. If you go to the all files folder on the left side bar, you click people and see 1 files.
  2. Click on the image, click on add to entity under folder and select the add to collaboration folders.
  3. Then a screen opens where you can select the collaboration folder you want the picture too and click the OK button.


User Guide: How to use collaboration folders - how to add multiple assets

  1. How to multi add pictures to your collaboration folder? Go to collections under all files. Go to a collection you like to add ad select: selec this page.
  2. After selecting all images, move over to add to tab and click on collaborations folders.
  3. A screen opens where you can select the collaboration folder you want to add all images too. Now you can see all files added under your folder.