2-Step Verification with Google Authenticator App

To start the Process, first you need to enable the feature in the catalog settings. Go to:

Settings > System Settings > Database > Search for the "catalogsettings" table and add new value with id "twofactorauthentication" value true.

Now 2 Factor Authentication should be enable in the login screen in your Instance.

All users will need to generate a "key" for the Google Authenticator App in order to get their one-time Key to login each time.

Click on the link (If you haven't yet generated a two factor key) Then login with your username and password.

Once you click on "Get the Key" you will get a QR-code for the key that you will need to scan with the G.A. app, you also can see the key in the screen to input manually.

Next Steps:

Once you register the key in your application, you should be able to use it in the regular login screen in your Instance.

Reseting 2 Factor Key for a User

An Administrator can reset the 2-Factor Key for any user in case they need to reset their key in the phone app.

Navigate to Settings > Users > Select the user and click on "Reset 2 Factor Auth Key" button. This will allow the user to start the process again to generate the Key.

Disable 2 Factor Authentication on Specific App

You can disable the 2 Factor Authenticatioin for specific apps like Mediadb, in the file system edit the _site.xconf inside the Mediadb app path: /webapp/finder/mediadb/_site.xconf  and add the property:

 <property name="twofactorauthentication">false</property>

Then restart your instance.