FTP Upload

If you want to transfer files between your computer and a server, there's a secure and easy way to do it called SFTP. You don't need to be a tech expert for this. Here's a step-by-step guide: 

First, you'll need a program to help you with the file transfer. We recommend using a program called Filezilla, which works on Windows, Mac, and Linux computers. Don't worry; it's safe to use!

1. Let's start by getting Filezilla on your computer. Go to the internet and search for "Filezilla download." Look for the official website, which should be something like "filezilla-project.org." Click on the download link for your computer's operating system (Windows, Mac, or Linux). 

2. Once the download is complete, open the downloaded file. You might find it in your "Downloads" folder or see a prompt to open it directly. Follow the installation instructions, which are usually straightforward. If you're asked for permissions during the installation, go ahead and grant them. 

3. Great! Now that Filezilla is installed on your computer, it's time to connect to your server. Don't worry; a server is just a computer that stores files and makes them accessible over the internet. 

4. You should have received login credentials from the person who manages the server. These credentials usually consist of a username and password. If you haven't received them yet, make sure to ask for them. 

5. Open Filezilla, and you'll see a window with two parts. On the left side, you'll see files and folders from your computer, and on the right side, you'll see files and folders from the server. 

6. Now, look for the area at the top of the Filezilla window where you can type something, like a website address. Here, you'll enter the server's address or domain name. It's usually something like "sftp.example.com" or "ftp.example.com" (without the quotes). You'll find this information in the login credentials provided to you. After entering the server address, press the "Enter" key on your keyboard.  

7. Filezilla will now prompt you to enter your username and password. Type in the username and password you received and press "Enter" again. 

Congratulations! You've connected to your server securely using SFTP. Now you can see the files and folders on your server in the right side of the Filezilla window. To transfer files between your computer and the server, simply drag and drop them from one side to the other. 

That's it! You're all set to transfer files between your computer and the server using Filezilla and SFTP. If you have any questions or get stuck along the way, don't hesitate to ask for help. Happy file transferring!

Once you've logged in successfully to the server using Filezilla, you can easily move your files back and forth. Here's how it works:

Imagine Filezilla as a virtual space where you can see two parts of your computer screen. On the left side, you'll see the files and folders from your computer, just like looking into a folder on your desktop. On the right side, you'll see the files and folders that are stored on the server, kind of like a different folder in the virtual space.

To send a file from your computer to the server, simply click on the file you want to transfer, hold the mouse button, and drag it to the other side of the screen where the server files are displayed. Release the mouse button, and the file will start transferring.

If you want to bring a file from the server to your computer, do the same thing but in reverse. Click on the server file, drag it to the left side of the screen where your computer files are shown, and let go. The file will be copied to your computer.

While the transfer is happening, you might see some messages at the bottom of the Filezilla window. Don't worry; it's just to let you know what's going on. If you want to see more details about the transfer progress, you can switch to different views by clicking on buttons at the bottom.

One view shows a log of messages, which tells you what actions Filezilla is taking. Another view displays a list of files that are waiting to be transferred and those that have been successfully transferred.