"Hello World" EnterMedia Example

1. WebPageRequest (built in)

 $pages $context $user 


2. Loading the xconf’s

 1. loads index.xconf 2. load /subfolder/_site.xconf (folder level) 3. Checks fallback  /test/_site.xconf <property name="fallbackdirectory">/parent</property> /test/sub/123.html /parent/sub/123.html


3. /test/_site.xconf



4. Calling Existing Java Objects

 /test/_site.xconf <path-action alltypes="true" name="MediaArchiveModule.getMediaArchive"/> <path-action bean="searcherManager" name="PageValue.loadPageVariable" allowduplicates="true" /> <path-action bean="userManager" name="PageValue.loadPageVariable" allowduplicates="true" /> 


5. Calling New Groovy Objects

 WEB-INF/base/norcom/src/plugin.xml OR /WEB-INF/src/plugin.xml <lang:groovy id="norcom" script-source="hello/HelloWorld.groovy"> </lang:groovy> 


6. /test/_site.xconf

 <path-action bean="norcom" name="PageValue.loadPageVariable" allowduplicates="true" /> /WEB-INF/src/hello/HelloWorld.groovy package hello; public class HelloWorld { public String sayHello() { return "Hello World from Groovy code!"; } } 


7. test/helloworld.html

 $norcom.sayHello() xconf files - path-action, properties, layout plugin.xml - Load up Modules (Java Controllers) 



 Model - Java and Groovy Beans (.java .groovy) View - Velocity HTML (layouts) (*.html) Controller - AdminModule.login (plugin.xml) 

Database API