Install on Mac
Install docker
- Go to
- Download the Edge version, as it tends to have the latest updates.
- Install docker, you'll see a docker app on your task bar.
- Once installed run it and you'll see
Configure Your System for eMedia Server
Create user in entermedia
- Go to Users & Groups settings
- Then
- then you can click on the + sign and create user
- To make sure the user exsits do the following command on your terminal:
- bash id -u entermedia
- create folder for entermedia:
- bash mkdir /Users/entermedia/Public/emsites chown entermedia /Users/enteremdia/Public/emsites
Share folder to give permission to everyone
Configure Docker
Go to your docker preferences > Resources > File Sharing and add the previously created folder.
Now you can click "Apply & Restart" button to reload the application and have the changes take effect.
Install eMedia
Download and install script
Type in the following commands into your terminal:
bash cd /Users/entermedia/Downloads wget -O - >>
chmod +x
./ test 100 entermedia
Continue with eMedia installation and configuration here.